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Costs and benefits should be more clearly described.

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Other issues also important including reducing carbon emissions, reducing water wastage in distribution. This is faster than the UK government target of 2050. BHCC, along with hundreds of other UK councils and businesses, has declared targets with a 2030 deadline. In order to limit temperature rise to 1.5☌ above pre-industrial levels, the world as a whole must reach net-zero emissions by 2050. The rationale for the 2030 target date is linked to the Paris Accord 2015, signed by most countries in the world, to limit global temperature rise. Net zero and carbon neutrality are the same, meaning to reduce carbon emissions from operations as far as possible and to offset remaining emissions. Need to be more active in controlling population growth, which has the biggest effect on the UK environment, and seek net zero by 2030. Setting an arbitrary date for ‘carbon neutral’ is wishful thinking rather than science or good community planning. Section 1.2 has been amended to make it clear that biodiversity declines are not just associated with climate change. Although linked, biodiversity is a different issue affected by human actions, as well as natural climate change. Links between climate change and biodiversity declines and reference to the climate and biodiversity declaration in paragraph 1.2 makes emotive political point rather than a scientific one.

  • briefing for Carbon Neutral 2030 Members Working Group.
  • 1 dedicated online event for council officers.
  • 1 dedicated online event for the local Planning Agents Forum.
  • 2 dedicated online events for stakeholders.
  • a survey available on the council’s online consultation portal.
  • Other council teams and local partnerships also circulated information on the consultation including the council’s Communities and Equalities team, Sussex Local Nature Partnership and The Living Coast Biosphere. Information about the consultation was also publicised on the council’s social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter.
  • hard copies of documents made available in all libraries and the Bartholomew’s House Customer Service Centre.
  • emails sent to numerous stakeholders and interested parties.
  • a press release, advertisement on the councill’s website and consultation portal.
  • The draft SPD was subject to a 6 week consultation between the 7 February and 21 March 2022.

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